1. Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV)
- UAV and aeronautical organisations
- Flight and airspace controlling
- Air space legislation agencies
- R&D agencies related to air space control, innovation etc.
- Societies related to UAV, aircrafts and its related technologies
- UAV applications
- UAV and aircraft manufacturers
- UAV subsystems manufactures
- Services companies
- Simulation and training
2. Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV)
- UGV and land vehicles organisations
- Driving and road controlling
- Land legislation agencies
- R&D agencies related to road controlling, innovation etc.
- Societies related to UGV, vehicles and its related technologies
- UGV applications
- UGV and car manufacturers
- UGV and car subsystems manufactures
- Services companies
- Simulation and training
3. Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV) and Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV)
- UUV & USV and naval vehicles organisations
- Sailing and sea space controlling
- Naval legislation agencies
- R&D agencies related to naval controlling, innovation etc.
- Societies related to UUV & USV, vehicles and its related technologies especially underwater communication and navigation technologies
- UUV & USV applications
- UUV & USV and naval vehicles manufacturers
- UUV & USV and naval vehicles subsystems manufactures
- Services companies
- Simulation and training
4. Academy
- UAV Engineering faculties
- Aeronautics and space engineering faculties
- Electronics Engineering faculties (UAV, UGV, UUV, USV subsystems i.e., controllers, energy systems and storage, navigation, communication etc.)
- Marine Engineering faculties
- Mechanical engineering faculties (UAV, UGV, UUV, USV structures, propulsion, thermodynamics
- Computer science & computer engineering faculties (in board and ground station software, AI tools)
- Mathematics (AI and computational tools)
- Material engineering faculties UAV, UGV, UUV, USV advanced materials)
5. Publishers, professional journals, news, media
- Unmanned Systems –
- International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems –
- Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems –
- Unmanned System Technologies –
- International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems –
- Journal of Unmanned System Technology –
- UNSYSdigital International Journals –
- Journal of Unmanned Aerial Systems –
- International Journal of Unmanned Systems Engineering –
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) –
- Journal of Unmanned Aerial Systems and Aerospace (JUASAS) –
- Drones and Autonomous Vehicles –
- Journals on engineering topics such as: electronics, control, material, mechanics, thermodynamics, software, cyber etc.
- Unmanned Systems News & Articles –