29 June – 1 July, 2025
ICC Jerusalem – International Convention Center
1 Shazar Boulevard
Jerusalem 9106001
Tel: 972-2-655-8558
Fax: 972-2-537-6448
The official language of the Conference is English
The New Israel Shekel (NIS) is the official currency of Israel. Most places and ATM’s accept major credit cards, such as Master Card, Visa, Diners, and American Express
Liability and Insurance
The Conference organizers cannot accept liability for personal accidents or loss of or damage to private property of Conference participants (or their accompanying persons), either during or as a result of the Conference.
Delegates and their accompanying guests are strongly advised to purchase adequate travel and health insurance for the duration of their stay.
Visa Information
Time Zone
UTC/GMT +2 hours (Central European Time)
Conference Secretariat
Paragon Team
5 Hatidhar St.
Raanana, Israel
Tel: +972 54-580-1580
Email: [email protected]