

Dear Colleagues,

It is envisioned that in the next decade, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles will offer more commercial services and applications, such as commuter transportation, package delivery, and many others.

It is obvious that in the next decade, there will be an increased number of UAVs in the airspace. It already poses a major challenge to fly manned and unmanned aircraft in the same airspace, managing air traffic with multiple drone operations that fly beyond visual line-of-sight (BVLOS) in the presence of man-operated air vehicles.

It is clear that such a situation creates a number of unique and complex challenges. These challenges include autonomous UAVs, safety, and a variety of new educational methods, such as complex simulations and training simulators, to name a few.

Beyond 2030, UAVs will be used in many different applications and will be part of everyone’s daily lives. Thus, business opportunities in the UAV industry will increase, as will the development of new technologies, applications, services, and research associated with them.

The World’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Conference 2024 will be focused on A Glimpse of the future: Vision, Research, Development and Applications challenges. The conference will be dedicated to discussing policies, business, innovation, research, and developing ideas related to this topic. For the full list of topics click here.

The World’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Conference 2024 will be an excellent opportunity for those who are involved in crafting the future of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles technology and businesses to meet and exchange ideas regarding their activities and explore future opportunities.

The World’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Conference 2024 will conduct expert lectures, research presentations and face-to-face meetings.

We are delighted to offer Jerusalem, Israel as an exciting destination for the conference with distinguished speakers from all over the world.

We look forward to your participation and contribution at the World’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Conference 2024.

Make sure you mark your calendar to attend the most exciting conference on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles! We will be sending you the meeting details and a program soon.

See you in Jerusalem in June 2024!!

Best wishes,

Gen. (Ret.) Eitan Ben Eliyahu

Former Chief in Command of the Israeli Air Force
Congress Chair