Received his B.Sc. degree in aeronautics engineering in 2005 from the Technion – Israel institute of Technology, and his M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Tel-Aviv University. Thesis subject “Partial hybrid sub-cell model “, supervised by Prof. Rami Haj Ali. Currently studies for MBA degree at Bar Ilan university.
He joined Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) in 2013 and acts as Advanced Structure Technologies Dept. Manager of IAI’s Engineering Division, since 2022.
The Department’s main activities include design and substantiation of composite materials airborne structures and development of innovative airframe concepts and advanced analysis justification methods.
Previously he had been an engineer for the Israeli Air Force (IAF) acting in several positions, Depot level team leader engineer, IAF H.Q. airframe engineer and safety of flight (SOF) program manager for the utility helicopters branch.
Paragon Team
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