
Brigadier General (Res.) Eytan Eshel

EVP R&D, technology and innovation – CTO of IAI

BG (res.) Eytan Eshel borne in 1961, He graduated from Tel Aviv University with BSc in Electronic Engineering in 1983 and MBA Business Management in excellence, Tel Aviv University 1994. Since 2021, BG (res.) Eshel Is EVP R&D, technology and innovation – CTO of IAI. In this position he has full responsibility over IAI R&D investment, emerging technology, the collaboration with the academic and research institutes. Responsibility over IAI innovation center and Space incubator.
In 2015, Mr. ESHEL joint ELBIT Systems – ELISRA as Vice President. In this position, he was responsible for business line of SIGINT, Ground and Naval EW and C4I and serves at the corporate management level, and as director in the ELBIT’s Australian company -ELSA.
1983 -2014 BG Eytan Eshel served in the IDF at the Air Force and MOD – DDR&D (Directorate of Defense Research & Development) as an officer and retired after having served in several key positions including Head of Military R&D in Brigadier General Rank. During his military career, he served in a variety of command professional and staff positions in both Air Force and MOD. Throughout his military career, he initiated, set up and led many major programs.
As the Head of Military R&D (DDR&D – Directorate of Defense Research & Development in IDF and MOD), his responsibility was for the R&D and full-scale development programs of the entire IDF. He served at senior IDF team to define the force buildup. BG Eytan initiated and managed international programs and cooperation with other countries in a grand scale.