
Scope and call for contributions

The future of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles still largely remains to be written, although we are already experiencing a proliferation of systems, projects, applications, experiments, research and the use of new technologies for the benefit of a growing number of applications.


The conference is a stage to exchange ideas and the future of the UAV research applications, technologies and systems. This will be done, during the conference by multidiscipline, international meetings between individuals and organizations from research and development institutes, industries and legislation in order to accelerate international collaboration.


The conference aims to bring together researchers, engineers and industrialists to present and compare their results, but also discuss their approaches to the various challenges raised by the autonomy of air vehicles and associated systems, across the entire spectrum of technologies and applications.


The expected contributions concern both the basic sciences and technologies necessary for the development of vectors and applications, performance, safety and reliability, validation and regulation, etc. as well as ongoing experiments and demonstrations etc.

The conference is structured along six tracks:

Track 1 – Advanced Air Mobility (AAM): Air space management and coordination with manned aircrafts

Track Chairs:   
Col. (Res.) Ofer Haruvi AUVSI Israel
Mr. Teong Soo Soon, ST Engineering Aerospace Ltd, Singapore

  • Scalable and commercial operation of UAVs in the civilian airspace
  • Support services for UTM (weather, population density, etc.).
  • Operation of UAVs over urban environment.
  • Beyond Visual Line of Sight operation.
  • One to many operations.
  • Regulation: Current and Future
  • Legislation and standards beyond 2030 for civil applications.
  • Applications: Parcel deliveries, Inspection, Air Taxi


In the last decades UAVs are used in many civil applications. Therefore, there is a dramatic increase of the number of UAV’s taking off, flying and landing in the same airspace of manned aircrafts. This requires managing and controlling the air traffic while autonomous and manned air vehicle are using the same airspace with different methods and regulation.

There are safety issues which requires solution especially when UAV’s will be used extensively over urban areas for different applications (such as: parcel delivery, medical missions etc.)


Track 1 is a wonderful opportunity for researchers, legislators, operators and industries to share views, present and seek for cooperation opportunities.

Track 2Artificial Intelligence, Cyber security and C4ISR in UAS

Track Chairs:
Brigadier General (Res.) Rami Efrati, Strategic Consulting Partners (SCP) 
Prof. Ron Kenett, KPA Group and Samuel Neaman Institute, Technion, Israel

  • AI tools in Decision Support Systems (DSS)
    • Maintenance DSS can give powerful choice help to AUVs systems support.
  • AI tools to improve Automated UAV Mission Systems
    • AI tools for decision-making capabilities in the complex battlefield & civil environment in the future
    • Perspectives and thoughts on the development of AI-based drones

AI and Cyber Security tools are penetrating almost every scientific and industrial use. The airspace increasing dense with UAV’s and traditional flight vehicles can benefit of using AI and Cyber Security (CS) tools.

Such tools can provide better and faster DSS and can improve automated UAV missions.

AI can improve safety and efficiency as well. On the same token the extensive use of C4ISR systems embedded with automated AI algorithms make them vulnerable to cyber-attack therefore, CS tools are essential.


Track 2 is a perfect stage for practitioners and academy experts to exchange ideas and cooperate.     


Track 3UAS missions and applications

Track Chair:
Prof. Dieter Moormann, Institute of Flight System Dynamics (FSD), RWTH Aachen University,  Germany 
Mr. Victor Alchanatis, D.Sc., Institute of Agricultural Engineering, ARO, Volcani Institute, Israel

Applications such as:

    • Agriculture
    • Deliveries- Medical, Last Mile, Ship to Shore Etc.
    • Drones for First Responders (DFR)
    • Security
    • Wide Area Persistent Surveillance
    • Inspection

UAV applications are expanding every year. Medical transport, surveillance, parcel delivery, agriculture etc.

An UAV mission can be mostly autonomous, moreover, to increase efficiency we can operate multi-UAV missions (swarms).

Autonomous vehicles and swarms arise technology and operational challenges of all types especially concerning safety and failure modes. Those issues have a dramatic impact over urban areas.

Participating in Track 3 will give members an insight to work and breakthrough ideas regarding operating autonomous air vehicle in the next decade by being exposed to experts and industries.

Track 4 – UAS technologies and systems

Track Chair: Brigadier General (Res.) Eitan Eshel, IAI, Israel

Mr. Nir Karasikov, Nanomotion, Israel

  • Platform development and configurations.
  • Aerodynamic dynamic flow control
  • Advanced Composite Materials, Smart structures.
  • Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS) Propulsion, Sustainable Aviation Fuel, Electrical and Hybrid Propulsion.
  • Smart Avionics and Flight Control Systems
  • Navigation and guidance
    • GPS Denial Environment
  • Collision Avoidance systems
  • Communications and data links
  • Swarm operation / management
  • Accurate timing systems
  • Sensors and payloads (E/O, Radar, Acoustic Etc.)


UAVs are integration of different subsystems, research areas, technologies and processes. Pushing the scientific, technology and production processes frontiers opens the door to improve the entire system of the UAV and as a result to serve better existing applications and new application can be born.


Track 4 is a perfect forum to be exposed to ideas of all types regarding UAV systems and technologies. Track 4 is a meeting place for scientific, engineering and industry circles to connect and innovate.

Track 5 – Simulation, Testing and Training tools

Track Chair:
Mr. Michael Armon, AUVSI Israel
Dr. Andrew Shepherd, Unmanned Aerial Systems, Sinclair College, Dayton, Ohio, USA

  • UAS operators training.
  • Large-scale operation testing environment
  • Platform and systems development environments
  • Mission rehearsals and regulation support


Simulation tools and testing are a cornerstone in UAV modern development processes. Complex UAV configurations in various environmental conditions can be simulated and be a basis for testing procedures. Simulators can be used to train operators and stakeholders and save flight hours. Also, hazardous missions can be simulated and trained.

Track 5 is the forum where researchers, technologies, operators and industries meet each other and share ideas and learn new needs regarding latest news in simulation, simulators and training.

Track 6 – AUVSI Investors track

Track Chair:
Yotam Avrahami, USA

  • Venture Capital and Private Equity Panel and Discussion
  • Government Public-Private Partnerships
  • UAS -success stories
  • AAM – Success stories

After 10 years of intensive investment and major failures in reaching scale, UAS/AAM commercial market start to show maturity from investment and ROI prospective, still, it seems like the business model to scale UAS/AAM solutions has been affected dramatically by regulation, decartelization and high competitive environment . In order to grow UAS/AAM organizations to scale, external funding is typically required with innovate investment models, public money and corporate support. This track  is aiming to inform companies that looking to raise funds on how leading investors are looking  at this market including key value driver. The second view point will be focused on a deeper UAS and AAM external pressures factors that investor should understand before making their investment into the market. Finally, the last viewpoints will focus on  how UAS and AAM organization in the past has been able to scale to a fully profitable company to show that there is a real opportunity here for everyone.